Preserving the Past & Enhancing the Future


Sumner Levine Speaker Series Fund
In Memory of
Sumner Levine
1931 - 2014

     Sumner Levine was a driving force behind the excellent programs that the Jewish Historical Society of Memphis and the Mid-South (JHSMM) has enjoyed through the Spring of 2014.  In his memory, JHSMM has set up a special fund to help provide the necessary resources to continue bringing programs of comparable quality to Memphis in the future.  If you wish to donate to this fund, mail checks or pay by credit card  to:
Jewish Historical Society
of Memphis and the Mid-South

  Memphis Jewish Community Center
  6560 Poplar Avenue
  Memphis, TN 38138
     The checks should be made payable to the Jewish Historical Society with a memo indicating that it is a donation to the Sumner Levine Speaker Series Fund. 
     If you have any questions or wish more information about this, please email the
JHSMM President
Thank you  for your support of this fund !